Treatments Offered

Acupuncture for general conditions back pain, headaches, neck pain , sinus issues, long COVID issues,anxiety, stress, fatigue

Acupuncture for fertility issues, pregnancy, antenatal postnatal

  • Moxabustion for breech presentation
  • Acupressure in labour 
  • Cupping
  • General Moxabustion
  • Nutrition
  • Advise on vitamin and mineral supplementation
  • Deep tissue sport massage/tuina massage
  • Chinese herbal medicine

What is Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used in china for over 4000years. It involves insertion of small needles into specific sites of the body called acupoints. Qi flows through meridans to maintain health, blockages will cause ill health. Needles are inserted along acupoints to clear blockages and in so doing restores health. One course of treatment is generally 6 – 8 treatments but treatment plan is tailored to the individual. 

What to expect

The first consultation generally takes over an hour, a detailed history is taken, Mary will also check your pulses and tongue to get an accurate diagnosis in accordance with principles of traditional Chinese medicine and a treatment plan will be discussed. Acupuncture needles are sterile and only used once. Generally a course of treatment is 6 to 8 sessions but this will be discussed on weekly visits